
🗣 Support Leadership Alabama

🗣 Support Leadership Alabama

October 17, 2022

Hello LA Member!

Leadership Alabama just launched Class XXXII in Montgomery, and we were honored to have so many incredible speakers present to the class.  The class convened at the Frank M. Johnson, Jr. Federal Courthouse Complex, where they heard from Thomas Rains, the Honorable Myron Thompson, the Honorable Keith Watkins, the Honorable Teresa Pulliam, Bennet Wright and Dr. Ed Bridges.  The following day, we started at the Alabama State House, where Chuck Holmes facilitated a robust discussion with a mayors’ panel involving some of our state’s incredible city leaders who are all members of Leadership Alabama – Mayors Tommy Battle of Huntsville, Frank Brocato of Hoover, Corey Hill of the Town of Douglas, Jim McCamy of Scottsboro, Steven Reed of Montgomery and Randall Woodfin of Birmingham.  During lunch at the RSA PlazaGovernor Ivey welcomed the class to Montgomery, followed by informative sessions from Sallye Longshore, Ryan Hankins, Greg Canfield and Alex Flachsbart.  The day concluded with the ever-popular dinearounds in the homes of Montgomery members, and Saturday included a tour of The Legacy Museum and a very thought-provoking, candid caucus session.

As the work with Leadership Alabama and Alabama Leadership Initiative (ALI) classes continues, we started this fiscal year (July 1) with a streamlined budget and sound financial position.  We continue to be prudent stewards of your support and are ever grateful for your ongoing investment in Leadership Alabama.  Additionally, we recently welcomed Melissa Sherer to our team.  As a graduate of ALI Class III, she has already hit the ground running!

None of this work would be possible without your steadfast, ongoing support through your annual dues and contribution.  Without question, membership dues & your additional gifts are the lifeline of our organization, and we humbly ask you to submit your $175 dues for this fiscal year of July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.  

Since establishing the category of donors who contribute $500 or more through their dues & contributions – Gold Circle Donors – the membership in this category has exploded.  Last year, 163 of you gave at this level, compared to 144, 79 and 52 in the three years proceeding – thank you! 2021-2022 Gold Circle Donors

You can make an immediate and secure payment online simply by utilizing the pay online button below.  Or, if you prefer a printed invoice for mailing a check, please click the invoice button. Simply print and mail with your check to Leadership Alabama, P.O. Box 131394, Birmingham, AL 35213.

We can’t wait to see you soon!

Click to pay your dues online.
Click to print a LA dues invoice.


Kate Cotton
Executive Director
Ashley Kaplan
Director of Operations and Engagement
Melissa Sherer
Membership, Communications, and Operations Associate