
Leadership Alabama is so grateful.

Leadership Alabama is so grateful.

November 12, 2020


Dear LA Member,

Your support has been absolutely amazing.  We are profoundly grateful for your dues & contributions, especially as we all continue to navigate the ever-evolving challenges of COVID.  As of today —

  • 345 of you have paid your 2020 – 2021 membership dues of $175, with more than half making an additional contribution.
  • 108 of the 345 are Gold Circle Donors, contributing $500 or more.  (Click the Gold Circle link or the button below to see the list.)     

We are very appreciative of your online payments and the checks being sent to the post office box.  (Please note our mailing address has changed to Post Office Box 131394, Birmingham, AL  35213.) This is such a help! Even though we continue to work together every day, albeit socially-distanced, it would be difficult to coordinate and physically assemble a large mass mailing.  Therefore, the more of you who pay online or send a check from the invoice provided below will greatly reduce, if not eliminate, the need for a future mailing.  You can make an immediate and secure payment online by utilizing this link or by clicking the “Pay Online” button.  Or, if you prefer a printed invoice for mailing a check, click the “Invoice” button.


Leadership Alabama Commission on Race and Equity

In June, Leadership Alabama released “An Important Message” in response to the tragic death of George Floyd and the national crisis that ensued and has been ongoing since then. We recognize that if we, as an organization, are to make significant and sustainable progress toward a more just and equitable Alabama, we must fully address racism and the resultant inequities.

As such, we have created the Leadership Alabama Commission on Race and Equity (LACRE), and its charge is to take a comprehensive look at race and equity in our state, with an emphasis on solutions and action.  More comprehensive information about its overall work, leadership, commission members, etc., will be announced very soon, and it will also be included on the new website under “About Us.”  We were scheduled to meet in Birmingham tomorrow, but unfortunately, due to the rise in COVID cases, we postponed our gathering.  However, the Commission will definitely start connecting via ZOOM until it is safe for us to meet.

Leadership Alabama Class XXX’s Graduation Retreat & the launch of Leadership Alabama Class XXXI

We were so hopeful that we would be able to conduct Class XXX’s graduation retreat in Birmingham AND start programming for Class XXXI in Montgomery in January 2021, but it simply will not be possible.  Therefore, Class XXX’s last session will be scheduled as soon as we are able to safely gather, and Class XXXI will launch in October 2021.

“30th and Holding…”  Rescheduled Anniversary Event

As of this writing, we are still planning to gather on Friday, August 13, through Sunday, August 15, 2021 at the Grand Hotel in Point Clear, AL, and we will begin communicating details and registration information in January 2021.  Stay tuned for ongoing updates.

As we approach Thanksgiving, we continue to offer thanks for your incredible support, friendship and engagement.  We are indeed fortunate to be associated with all of you and this remarkable organization.

Kate and Ashley