Click here to see criteria and qualifications for a Leadership Alabama nominee.
Note the following:
- You may nominate more than one person.
- You may nominate anyone in the state, not just someone from your geographic area.
- For candidates not selected for Class XXXII, Leadership Alabama notifies you, the LA member, NOT the nominee. People are often nominated without their knowledge, thus the reason we only communicate with the nominator.
- Nominations close on Friday, February 25.
Click here for the Class XXXII Nomination Form
Program Dates – Class XXXII
- Thursday, October 6, through Saturday, October 8, 2022 – Montgomery
- Thursday, January 12, through Saturday, January 14, 2023 – Mobile
- Thursday, March 9, through Saturday, March 11, 2023 – Huntsville
- Thursday, May 11, through Saturday, May 13, 2023 – Birmingham
Click here for more information about the Leadership Alabama class program year.
Leadership Alabama is open to all who meet the qualifications adopted by the Board of Directors, regardless of age, sex, race, religion or national origin. Participants are selected largely on the basis of demonstrated leadership ability.
The Nomination Process:
- A nomination form must be received by Friday, February 25, 2022 for a person to be considered for LA Class XXXII.
- Nominations will be considered by the Regional Councils throughout the state, who prioritize the nominations of those in their geographic areas.
- The Executive Committee will review the prioritized lists from the Regional Councils and then submit the list of nominees to the Board of Directors for approval.
- All nominations are given thorough consideration, but not all will be selected to participate in the class. The Leadership Alabama Board of Directors will approve the final class roster. Consideration will be given to building a class that represents Alabama’s diversity, both professionally and geographically, as well as in the areas of age, gender and ethnicity.
- Leadership Alabama will email those selected for membership and copy the nominator.