
LA Nomination Guidelines


Recommended nominees will…

  • Show a commitment to their community and state through past and present activities;
  • Lead an area of influence to impact change;
  • Have demonstrated leadership in his/her area of influence to impact change; and,
  • Likely exercise substantial leadership in the future.

Age Requirement

There is no specific minimum or maximum age limit for participation. However, nominations of those under the age of 40 will require additional evaluation by the Executive Committee and will be approved only if they are recognized as established leaders.

Organizational Considerations

Except under very limited circumstances, it is required that the senior-most leader (CEO, Chair, President) within an organization or company participates before others in the same company will be eligible to participate.  There can be no more than one representative of an organization in the class in a given year.

Elected Officials

While Leadership Alabama welcomes participation by elected officials, we discourage the nomination of a person actively involved in a political campaign.  No campaign activities will be allowed during a program retreat.  Only one elected official per region will be accepted in a class.


To graduate from Leadership Alabama, a participant is expected to attend all sessions.  Even though emergencies do arise, any participant missing more than the equivalent of one session, for whatever reason, will be asked to withdraw.  The opening retreat in October is mandatory.


The tuition for the program year is $3,250, which includes all programs, speakers, materials and meals. Each member is responsible for travel and hotel expenses. Leadership Alabama is able to provide some financial assistance for tuition based upon need.

Class XXXV Retreat Dates (2025-2026)
October 15 – 17, 2025 (Wednesday – Friday)
January 14 – 16, 2026 (Wednesday – Friday)
March 11 – 13, 2026 (Wednesday – Friday)
May 13 – 15, 2026 (Wednesday – Friday)

Leadership Alabama is open to all who meet the qualifications adopted by the Board of Directors, regardless of age, sex, race, religion or national origin.  Participants are selected largely on the basis of demonstrated leadership ability.

The Process:

  1. A nomination form must be received by Friday, February 21, 2025 for a person to be considered for Class XXXV.
  2. Nominations will be considered by the Regional Councils throughout the state, and each council will prioritize the nominations for its specific region.
  3. The Executive Committee will review the prioritized lists from the Regional Councils and then submit the list of nominees to the Board of Directors for approval.
  4. All nominations are given thorough consideration, but not all will be selected to participate in the class. The Leadership Alabama Board of Directors will approve the final class roster. Consideration will be given to building a class that represents Alabama’s diversity, both professionally and geographically, as well as in the areas of age, gender and ethnicity.
  5. Leadership Alabama will email those selected for membership and copy the nominator(s) by Wednesday, May 21, 2025.

As of January 21, 2025