
🌠Class XXXIV Kick Off and Membership Dues Renewal📮

🌠Class XXXIV Kick Off and Membership Dues Renewal📮

October 25, 2024

Welcoming LA Class XXXIV and Connecting with Area LA Members

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September brought a whirlwind of engaging regional activities to introduce upcoming class members to our Leadership Alabama family and catch up with area members across the state in nine regions.  We are extremely grateful to our regional hosts and sponsors!

2024 Regional Event Sponsors (for Class XXXIV)

Auburn/East Alabama Regional Luncheon

  • David Hedges and Lolly Steiner, AuburnBank

Birmingham Regional Reception

  • Scott Reed and Jenifer Kimbrough, Oakworth Capitol Bank

Cullman Regional Luncheon

  • Brian Dove, Cullman-Jefferson Gas District

Huntsville/Northeast Alabama Regional Reception

  • DeMarco McClain, Bank Independent
  • David Nast, United Community Bank
  • Michael Kirkpatrick

Mobile/Baldwin Regional Reception

  • Rebecca Byrne, Community Foundation of South Alabama
  • Henry O’Connor, Jones Walker
  • Jay Watkins, Maynard Nexsen

Montgomery Area Regional Reception

  • Carl Barker and Delbert Madison, ServisFirst Bank

Shoals/Decatur Regional Dinner

  • Kim and Macke Mauldin, Bank Independent

Wiregrass Regional Reception

  • Greg Henderson, Southeast Alabama Gas
  • Mark Pugh, CDG Engineers
  • Forrest Register, Register Realty Company
  • Bob Woodall, Bob Woodall Air Care Systems
Leadership Alabama Class XXXIV
Kicks Off in Montgomery

Class XXXIV “officially” launched in Montgomery last week, October 16-18, and we were thrilled to greet 76 statewide professionals to our revered organization. The class convened at the Alabama State House and was welcomed by  LA Board Chair Dr. Linda Young (Class IX) and Amanda Senn (Class XXXIII). As in past years, we were fortunate to have Dr. Ed Bridges (Class VIII) present Alabama’s history relative to today’s issues and economic challenges, which is always the perfect platform for gaining a better understanding of the issues addressed throughout the Montgomery retreat. As shared on the evaluations, “It was a great perspective of our state’s history.”

Afterwards, Bill Poole (Class XXXIII) provided an update on Alabama’s state budget and the future economic outlook, which was cited as a “very good discussion of Alabama’s two budget system.”  The program day concluded with Alabama’s public information director, Clay Redden, leading the class in a mock vote about the gambling issue, and the class voted just as the Alabama legislature did – not “for” or “against” gambling but in favor of putting the issue on a statewide ballot for the electorate’s vote.  Additionally, a straw vote of the upcoming presidential election was conducted, and the results of the 66 ballots cast were — Trump 53%, Harris 42% and neither/write-in 5%.  The day concluded at Montgomery Whitewater with the traditional introduction dinner with fellow classmates, which was preceded by a wonderful cocktail reception with LA area members.  “It was wonderful to meet some LA alumni and a fantastic opportunity to get to know our classmates in a relaxed setting.”



The next day, the class traveled to The Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. Federal Courthouse. Dr. Ryan Hankins (Class XXVIII) started the day with an insightful presentation on recent PARCA research, “Data and Democracy,” which several in the class noted as “an excellent discussion.” Moving to the historic courtroom where Judge Johnson presided over many notable civil rights cases, Joyia Davis of The Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. Institute offered a historical overview of the courthouse, followed by the Chief Judge Honorable Emily Marks (Class XXXI), who shared some of the poignant history and outcomes of Judge Johnson’s cases, along with a captivating Q&A conversation. “Judge Marks was extremely interesting and a very impactful speaker.”  Thomas Rains (Class XXXIV) then explained the creation of The Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. Institute and its mission of sharing stories of our Constitution and our Judiciary, and everyone thought it was “incredible to learn about this history.”

The afternoon was focused solely on the Equal Justice Initiative, and the class participated in self-guided tours through the Legacy Museum and the National Memorial  for Peace and Justice.  The most compelling comment on the evaluations was that the tours were “life changing and impactful.” That evening ended with the forever popular dinearounds in the homes of Montgomery members and local restaurants.  As always, everyone raved about the dinners – “Loved the intimacy the dinearound provided.  This is a great LA tradition!”  During the final morning together, Kathy Boswell of the Alabama Humanities Alliance and Chuck Holmes (Class XXX and LA Board Member) facilitated an interactive presentation, “Healing History: A Shared Experience Through Common Ground,” and the feedback stated it was very good and an eye-opening session.  “It was a great way to engage on the tough issues and questions.”  Afterwards, the retreat concluded with Chuck leading a class caucus centered on candidly discussing the issues and experiences presented throughout the retreat.

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